32nd AAA Brigade HQ
Message Board
updated on
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 10:05 PM
due to a very active spammer i am stopping all the BBS. j mercer
please leave your email address by
contact Roy Reeves at: vesree@cox.net
and Tom Conway at:
and John Hayden at: hayden1936@yahoo.com
3/23/2015 - edited
A little rationality lifts the quality of the debate here. Thanks for contributing!
If the former Soldier who served in B Battery, 4th. Bn. Upper Heyford, re-visits the web page, please leave your email address in order that we can gather information that might assist you in reaching former buddies. Thanks Roy Reeves
I was in B Btry 4th Bn at RAF Upper Heyford from April 1954-October 1956. Am looking for other survivors.
To John Hayden: John, let's all thank J. Mercer for setting it up again for us. Will go back and review your story as well as others as I haven't been to the bulletin board in a year or so. Maybe another former BH Soldier will find the bulletin board and contact us for the first time. Also, am wondering, before we all get too old, what each would think about us trying you form a last "Attack" on the hall next year when the celebrate the annual 1940's military day there. Would be great to go back once more and to see some of those we served with as well as some who served there in later 1955 to 1957 etc.
Roy Reeves
Thanks Roy for getting the 32AAA Brigade message board up and running again. Hope that I will make some contacts from my time at Bushy Hall. If anyone reads this scroll down to March 11, 2004 for my story of my time at BH.
John Hayden - hayden1936@yahoo.com
32nd AAA Brigade - Looking
In case anyone is interested, I wrote a novel about Bushey Hall which was published in 2006. It is fiction, and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. The title is "Protecting the Queen" and it is available online or may be ordered through bookstores. The ISBN is 1424128536. I must caution readers that many characters, mostly soldiers, use foul language, because soldiers in every army have been known to talk that way. Tom Conway, Sr.
Pending any substantial amounts of spam reappearing on this message board, we invite interested parties to leave their messages regarding any personnel formerly stationed at Bushey Hall during the 1950's. Roy Reeves vesree@cox.net
I have just sent an e mail addressed to vesree@cox.net with reference to my post concerning the remains of a Rotary Launcher on the Stiffkey marshes in Norfolk, England but the Mail Delivery System has responded with 'failure to deliver - unknown address error 550 recipient rejected'. Can any one please help? Fred Butcher e mail fred_butcher@lineone.net
its great to read these messages about the events of fifty years or more ago and the enduring friendships made during those historic times. Good luck to you all! I am a long retired ex RAF man living in Norfolk, in the UK and very much want to get in contact with any one who has knowledge of the firing of AA guns on the Stiffkey and Weybourne ranges and the use of the A2 Rotary Launcher on the Stiffkey marshes in the early 1950's. If you have, please contact fred_butcher@line.net
Hello everyone.
I hope my comments are worthy of submittance to this very interesting, refreshing and touching website. I have never been a part of the 32nd AAA Brigade, partly because i'm only 28, and partly because i'm British and haved lived in Bushey all my life.
The only humble association I have to share is that for approximately 4 years I worked on the Bushey Hall site. I speant many working hours imagining the site in operation during the time you guys and gals where there. I feel privilaged when reading your memories of time spent at Bushey Hall, and have always felt a presence of importance around me on the site, and the buildings within.
I don't know whether you where able to arrange a reunion to the site, for what it is worth, if anyone would like me to take any photographs of the site, specific buildings, or anything local, please let me know.
Although a small area of Bushey Hall has recently been demolished to the rear of the site many buildings are still standing and being used as commercial units.
The Former Royal Masonic School for boys, located in The Avenue, Bushey is currently being redeveloped for housing.
One thing I have always been curious of is, I heard that when the site was in operation, there was an underground office/store of some description?.
If I can help in any way please email me on panpeter77@hotmail.com
Best Regards, Andy Wells
Sunday 1/29/0, I read the message dated 1/27/06 from Larry Varnado with interest. Though I do not remember you, I came overseas and went home with Don Soule, and Perry Cinningham. They are friends of mine too. I recall that he bummed around with John Cox, and Dick Miles, who was a Medical Corpsman. I would like Mr. Varnardo to e-mail me, because we have much to talk about.
Tom Conway conway3371@aol.com
I was stationed at 32nd Brigade Hqs at Bushey Hall from about April 1954 until July l955. I worked as a clerk typist. I was in the same office with Bill Rosol, Sgt. Biggs, Sgt. Oliphant, Don Soule, Col. Leidy, Major Bolen and others. My friends on the base included John Sammut, Ray Giddings, Perry Cunningham, Joe Merck, and others. I remember Tom Conway, who was a gate guard.
Lowrey Varnado
Hi! Really cool site, thanks!
i was a radar op. with the 60th aaa bn. which was a part of the 32nd brig. in 1952/53....we had to wear a presidential unit citation with two clusters which i was told at that time was issued in ww2 because the60th was wiped out a few times in the phillipines....this note is in response to tom conway's comment on jan. 30 scary s..t art florio linarty@cox.net
With regard to the message dated January 29, 2005' regarding a member of the 32nd Brigade in the Philippines during WW2, the unit was the 32nd Coastal Artillery at the time of the siege of Corregidor and Bataan, and a component of that outfit was awarded a Unit Citation. If Mr. McDaniel was there, he probably was captured by the Japanese. Tom Conway - conway3371@aol.com
My father, Glenn McDaniel was with the 32nd AAA Brigade in the Philippines during World War II. Can anyone share any information with me? Would love to know more.
It has been 50 years since I celebrated Christmas with a bunch of great people who were glad they were not in Korea, but very homesick! Merry Christmas to them all, and a happy New Year! Tom Conway
My name is James Duggar. I was in D BTRY 39th AAA at Sculthorp from 1951-1952. We were on the perimeter around the runway E-mail Jmsduggar1@netzero.net
hi mr. henson were you a teacher at dyess high school. my name is bill prince went there in early 60s. please respond. thank you bill prince
Thanks to all who have listed the comments on our Message Board. To those of you who hopefully will find our webpage and leave a comment, please list your email address as this is an excellent means for locating old friends. Thanks Roy Reeves vesree@cox.net
Date March 11,2004 Time: 3.30 PM My name is John Hayden and I was stationed at Bushy Hall from Feb. 1956 to June 1957. Just about this time the Army in the process of closing down the base. I was then transferred to Manheim, Germany to the 34th Nike brigade headquarters. While I was at Bushy Hall I meant an English girl and in August 1956 we were married. We've been married for 48 years come this August 25, 2004. It was the best decision I ever made at the young age of twenty. My second eight weeks of basis training was at Fort Lee, Virginia at the Quartermaster school. So when I arrived at Bushy Hall I thought I would be a clerk in supply. At the time I arrived at Bushy Hall the mail clerk was rotating back to the states, that's how I became the mailman for the base. Some of the people I remember from all those years ago were, Headquarters Battery CO Capt. Hill, First Sergeant Graeff, Bob Price, who was best man at my wedding, Joe Vaglia, Bill Lambert, Joe Bulgo One special friend who I am still in contact with is Ron Laws. We were also stationed at Sullivan Barracks in Manheim, Germany. We were both married and lived off base until we rotated home. Over the years my wife and I have returned to Watford many times. Since retiring in 1998 we go back every six months. I've only visited Bushy Hall once in all that time. My wife and I are going back to England on March 25 for our visit and I intend to walk up Water Lane from Watford one last time, just to remember how great those days were. My E-mail address is hayden1936@Yahoo.com
I was stationed in lakenheath from 1953 thru 1954 in june. I was in the prefab buildings along the air strip. It was quite an experience. I must admit that i made alot of friends in england. Every one said that the english are hard to get to know. I say some of the best friends i met were english. That was over 50 years ago & i still remember the good times playing darts & just talking. Maybe some day i'll be able to go back & relive my good times.
34th AAA Operations Detachment 3rd Reunion Hyatt Regency Hotel, Atlanta, GA April 23-25, 2004
For information contact Owen Fabert, Reunion Coordinator seekers@san.rr.com or 858-689-0777
Don McCartan, one of the original members of the permanent guard detail at Bushey Hall, passed away on
December 28, 2003, as a result of a heart attack. He had arrived with the advance party in the Fall of 1953. He had lived in Fonda, Iowa most of his life. He is survived by his widow, Carol, and several
children and grandchildren.
joe gialich cpl.a battery 39th a a a sculthorpe uk from 1951 til 1952. give a call. studejoe@aol.com
chung yong wong, aka, richard wong, bushey hall motor pool july 56 -may 57. NCO club ,day room, wednsday nite dances with english gals brought in by bus. best buddy dale (peanuts) jensen. visited bushey hall in 2000. huts are gone. HQ bldg. in a state of collapse. richwongswa@compuserve.com . living in houston, tx
my name is art florio and i was a radar operator with the 60th aaa bn .. i was stationed on an outpost about 35 miles from lakenheath in old buckenham which was near attleborough in norfolk....our designation was "fancy radar" anybody out ther remember this?...art florio linarty@cox.net
Ward Preston. Operations draftsman, HQ Btry. 32nd AAA Brigade Jan'53- June '54. Originally served at Mildenhall before move to Bushey Hall. I recall Col. Prior, Sgt Boucher, Bob Gore, Tom Crotty, John Sammut, Richard Haynes and our drinking group; "Enigma Dimentia". Came in a PFC, left a PFC. Afterward went to USC, Architect's License in '61. Retired after a career designing sets for movies. How about a call? (925) 753 5603
Date October 1, '03 I'm Bobby Burden, Yes I was there (England) 1955-1957. I was with the met section. my email, ccatk5@aol.com
Earlier this month I had a message from Bill Rosol to which I responded. I have not heard from him since and last Saturday. An e-mail was returned as undeliverable. Would Bill please contact me again. If any one else is in contact with Bill please forward my current email address to him. Thank you,
Tom Conway conway3371@aol.com
While serving with the 34th AAA OD at Fort Bliss the First Sgt. came into my hut just after the outbreak of the Korean war and said Henson I have to have one volunteer radio operator to go to Korea and you are it. Eugene Eubanks stepped forward and said take me instead. The First Sgt. said is that OK with you Henson. I said OK and Eubanks went to Korea instead of me. Does anyone know if he made it back. AJ Henson E-Mail spam22@midsouth.rr.com
AJ Henson. I am a former member of the 34th AAA OD from 1949-1953. My address is spam22@midsouth.rr.com
DATE: 08/28/03 TIME: 11:35 AM COMMENT:
I was stationed with the 34th AAA Opns. Det. at Ullenwood Camp, outside of Cheltenham, from fall of l955 to April 1957. Would like to hear from anyone that was there during this period. bjwood3@msn.com.
Would Mr. Rosol please furnish his e-mail address. I was at Bushey Hall from 1/54-5/55, as a permanent Gate Guard, and more than likely we knew each other. Tom Coway Sr. conway3371@aol.com
I arrived at Bushey Hall on Nov. 24, 1953, following basic training at Fort Chaffee, Ark. and was assigned to S3 in 32nd AAA Brigade HQ as a clerk typist. I departed Bushey April 14, 1955 and was discharged at Fort Sheridan, Ill., the end of April. I'll have to dig through some of my "stuff" that I accumulated while in the service to recall my time in England. I made several trips on inspection trips to the northern airbases where the AAA guns were located. I just wanted to introduce my self, William J. Rosol, Jr., as I was known on military papers, now it is just plain Bill. Thanks for starting the 32nd AAA Brigade HQ web site. I was just messing in Google when I found it.
I was stationed with B "Baker" Battery, 60th AAA at Lakenheath from January, '54 to June '55. During that time C "Charlie" Battery was deployed at the runway, while B Battery was housed on the civilian side of the Main Gate. There fore, there wasn't a lot of interaction between units, & I didn't know Glen Earl Kornoely. I would be interested in hearing from any comrades from the period. Jim O'Hagan johagan@aol.com
Looking for anyone who knew Glen Earl Kornoely served with the C Battery 60th AAA bn or the 32nd AAA Brigade HQ between 1951 and 1955 stationed at Lakenheath. I'm a son of Glen and looking for photos and stories. God bless you all for keeping our nation safe.
My tour of duty in the UK was with the 39th AAA Battery at Greenham Common. I arrived at Bushy Hall Nov of '55, to find out where my next duty station was. It was to be in the Met Sec of the 39th Bat. This outfit was stationed at Langham Camp Norfolk, which was about one mile from the town of Langham. Our outpost was very small, we had about 35 men on the post. The met sec had about only 10 men some of the men who I served with were LT. Hansen, Sgt. Kiles Wilson, Bobby Burden, Herb McCall, Ray Colony, Mace Foxwell, Knute Anderson, Maynard Beck, Bill Deckerman, A Taylor, and CWO Clarance Jacobson and my name is Richard Strisofsky. I left the Uk April of '57. My stay at Bushy Hall was all of one day.
I Served with the 34th AAA OD from 1949-1952. I would like to hear from any of my old friends. AJHenson@DyessColony.Com
I was a platoon leader in C Battery of the 60th AAA AW Bn at Lakenheath RAF Station from August 1953 to May 1954. I also have a good friend who went through BOAC with me at Bliss and was with the 39th at Sculthorpe. His name is Lynn Jones and he lives in California today. The two of us had a mutual friend named George Kasap who was also stationed at Sculthorpe and who we would dearly love to contact. If anyone remembers any of us or knows anything about George, we would appreciate hearing from you. H. Stanley Hughes Delaware hellostan@aol.com
I have not heard from many people who might be interested in returning to Bushey Hall for a 50th Reunion, and have pretty much given up on the idea, but would still like to hear from anyone who was associated with the base in the old days. Tom Conway Sr. ---- conway3371@aol.com
Hi Roy this is Jim On Jacob Circle Found your Web Page and enjoyed reading it found it very interesting
I would like to hear from anyone , including former Dependents , who were stationed at Bushey Hall between 1953 and the date it ceased to be the 32nd AAA Brigade HQ. I know a 50th Reunion at Bushey next year is probably too ambitious an undertaking to ever become reality , but would be receptive to any ideas in that regard. Thomas J. Conway , Sr. hallgate1954@yahoo.com or conway3371@aol.com
The Reunion for Members of the 34th AAA Operations Detachment is scheduled for this coming September 27-29, 2002 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Bellevue, Washington. If your are former member of the 34th AAA Opns. Det. who would like to attend the Reunion, please contact Owen Fabert - OFABERT1@SAN.RR.COM
Hello 32nd Brigadiers, the message board is up and running. enjoy ... j mercer '66 jmercer@LondonCentral.org |