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 Kat's January '03
   Bobcat News

updated on Sunday, August 06, 2006 09:24 PM

Hi Bobcats :   (1/4/03)

It's 2003, Bobcats! Happy New Year! 1966 was when?  Seems like yesterday we were all roaming those Bobcat Halls at Bushey, struggling to desperately make an impact on the world someday! I thought there would be plenty of time to do this over the holidays. BOY!  Was I wrong! Where does time go anymore?  I can't believe these two weeks have vanished so quickly. School starts on the January 2 once again. We're half way through another school year.

Heard from several Bobcats since last time. The Reunion in New Orleans still has lingering memories.  I do have some vivid pictures of dear 'OLE Bourbon Street at midnight.  Some of those pictures I was surprised my photographer would develop, but they know me pretty well where I take them.  I think they were more embarrassed than I was!  Never have I seen so many @*#&@ and $&%@ in my life! You figure it out!

Robbie Wynens/Heintzman is in Saugus, California, and is a personal coordinator for TravelnFashion.  I did get a Christmas note from her and was glad to hear that things are well in Santa Clarita. Beautiful place, California is! I have been there and didn't know Robbie lived there at the time.  I will be back your way soon, Robbie.  Keep in touch.

Richard King is living somewhere in Orange County, California! He has two girls, Christa who was married in September and Chandra is graduating from Yale in May.  Christa is quite a soccer player, helping her team at Yale to be the first time winners of the NCAA Women's Soccer Cup.  Rich is into Prose and Poetry, Karate and teaching school? You know, Rich, I wouldn't begin to try to teach Karate, so there you go and it is always great to know when our kids do well.  Always good to hear from you.

Everyone, I suppose, got the note from Frank Dalton around Thanksgiving time.

Just in case, this quote I found to be very meaningful:  "Now that I am in my 50's, what was important before isn't what it is now.  For me a positive family relationship remains a strong point, money is less important, friends/friendship needs to be rekindled and fostered and my relationship with God has taken on new meaning.  It is kind of amazing that we as a group of students from the mid to the end of the sixties are relating to each other once again... what does that tell you?"  That was beautifully put, Frank. It's great how we've all come full circle in our path of life. Our Bobcat days were so important. We had great teachers, mentors and friends that will never be forgotten.  Somehow those experiences in London had unimaginable influence on our lives.

I hear from Sherry Bergman Kettering, my dear friend, in Orinda, California.  She's has had foot surgery, and hand surgery this past year. I know 2003 will put all that behind you and you'll be back to emailing and typing in no time.  How is the pet sitting service doing?  Keep in touch, Sherry!

Steve Ehrlich wrote to me a note a couple of weeks ago and said he had spotted Linda Moats in  I think her married name is Heilbron?, something like that. Help me out here, Steve!  I pulled up and sent her a note requesting a picture in hopes we might learn where Linda is.  Seems the girls are the hardest to find with a change of name. Anyone know anything about Linda, please let me know.

Steve is living in Bedford, TX.  Been there since 1976 and is into management in the trucking business.  Married to Amy, they have two children?, Brett, 24, and Tara, 21.  Sorry, Steve, they aren't children anymore! Married Amy after WHO? dumped you?

I'll never tell! Sounds like you've had a prosperous life!  Kaye Meade is on the East coast, but not here.  Saw her in New Orleans this past summer though!  Should have been there! And I think we all still feel like we're 17!  You hold on to that positive thought!

I found an address for Greg Sams through Ron Crowe, but seems Mr. Wernette has the inside scoop.  Greg has completed a book, Uncommon Sense, and it is on line at

He sorts out the balance between chaos and order. Mr. Wernette says he needs that translated? C'mon now, JACK!  Admit tingly, we all probably need it translated! He and the Mrs. had a wonderful visit with Greg back in December.  It is great to hear another Bobcat is doing well.  Drop me a note, Greg! It is a small world!

Speaking of Mr. & Mrs. Wernette, they have been around the world... well, darn near!  They ventured into Alaska, Oregon, Texas, and back to London this past summer!  You should have been on Bourbon Street with some of your former students at midnight!  You might not have claimed us after all! What's it like to be retired?  Methods? Teaching?  I need to tell you I've just about exhausted all I know as far as classroom techniques after you mentioned it!  Embarking on number 24, will I make it to 30 year?  Wanna place your bets now?

Mr. Bill Smith has revamped his super website. If you haven't seen it, take a look.  He has everything from baby pictures to Bobcats, to grandkids which is incredible!  Give Bill a holler at   I'm still trying to get my website completed for school, so maybe you could give me some pointers?  I'll let you know when it is completed.

I've mentioned the memories of Bourbon Street this summer, but let me reflect on another trip!  I love hearing from the friends that took me back to London in 2000.  I would have never thought I'd see Bushey Hall and CHS again.  One night in London, we had all split up into various groups, scattered around town for dinner, and most of us ended up in Queensway, just a hop, skip and a jump from the Columbia Hotel on Bayswater Road.  NOW, some of these Bobcats thought they were going to get away for a nice quiet evening... FORGET THAT!

As one particular nameless Bobcat put it to me a month later... "There's nothing like sitting in a little restaurant, having a nice, quiet, dinner, and all of a sudden hear this loud, obnoxious group of people out in the street having a good time carrying on!"  Neither had to think twice... it had to be BOBCATS!  I will never forget the look on this couples faces as we all rounded the corner singing and laughing.  Always remember the good times!  Doug Lunsford's new email address has changed.  It is   Thanks, Doug!

I caught Brendan Toolin on line one evening not long ago.  Sent him an IM and he responded. He's a retired from the US Marshals and is now a FEDERAL Security Officer living in Westfield, MA.  It was a great conversation talking about the grown kids and those good 'ole days.  Take care, Brendan.  And I love hearing from Mrs. Gail Kelly in London.  After meeting everyone a couple years ago, it's always nice to hear about this incredible family, Bob's paintings, their travels and get the pictures.  Let me know when Jesse and Duff get ready to attempt that run to Birdcage Walk or The Embankment.  That should be quite a feat.

And life goes on, Bobcats.  I hope I haven't left anyone out. I've heard from Beverly Sheffield a couple of times, and it's just fantastic to keep the emails and letters flowing.  I'm having trouble with Kay Meade's email address, so someone let me know what that might be? If you all think of anything at all, send me your news! Grandkids, kids, dogs, cats, but the great importance is just keeping in touch.

Mr. Mercer... keep up the terrific job you do with the website.  I know you and Steve really work on this London Central Website. We all appreciate your efforts!

The Masters is right around the corner.  I begin working my second job about the middle of this month.  Watch for coverage as the continuing saga of admitting women to the Augusta National unfolds!  Should prove to be an interesting year at the tournament.  So with that in mind, it will be at least after April when another newsletter appears.  Anybody interested in "goodies" from the Pro-Shop, let me know.

OK, Byron Donics, I'm still waiting on that dinner when you get to Atlanta for all the times you copied my Latin homework!

Best Wishes and Happy New Year!  Don't forget the black-eyed peas!  Nothing but the best to you and yours in the upcoming year of 2003.  Take care, Bobcats... all of you!

(Kathie Faulkner/Jones, CHS '66)

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